Thursday, November 6, 2008

Chaste is Chic

I would like to state for the record that I cannot believe I am writing this. And neither will many of you, especially those of you who went through the ultra-liberal, super comprehensive, and also completely hilarious sex ed program Our Whole Lives at the UU church with me.

But here goes: overt sexuality is out. In high school and even college, there was a certain shock factor involved to talk about how much you had sex and in what ways, especially for women. Being overtly sexual, by the way you dress or what you say, is also a tried-and-true tactic to attract attention from men. Sure, it works, but usually on a certain kind of man...ladies, you know what I mean.

What is way more fun is to keep your private life private. I realize that everyone is sharing everything about themselves on the internet these days and I kind of come off as a backwards-thinking southern girl, but you're erasing all the mystery and intrigue when you lay every dirty detail about everything you've done with complete strangers! Cover up that cleavage. Get your vibrator delivered to your door instead of strutting into sex shops (which are creepy, anyway...I have yet to see an advantage over the internet).

I'm not saying be ashamed of your sexuality. Go ahead and watch your porn, use your toys, and above all be GGG. But as a wise man once said, be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets.

Stay classy, D.C.

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