Monday, June 2, 2008

Sex and the City: Better Than I Thought it Would Be

OK, OK, so I was one of the hordes of women who went to see the Sex and the City movie the day it opened. I'm a sort of if-it's-there fan of the show: I haven't seen every episode, but I did live with a girl who had a bunch of the DVDs, and I know the basic plot line. While I don't think the show is the paragon of great TV (I'm more of an Office fan myself), it is enjoyable in a very, very girly way. As in, lots of great shoes.

The movie didn't disappoint on the shoe point, but it also had lots of something I wasn't expecting: angst. (Yes, yes, insert obligatory spoiler warning here) I was expecting complete and utter fluff, but Carrie gets hurt--bad. The deep, utterly humiliated, sleep for 3 days in a darkened room kind of hurt. It was amazing: I completely felt it along with her. I think it's safe to say that I'm not alone among the key demographics for this show/movie, because your 20s and 30s seem to be prime time for those catastrophic breakups.

Shining star and best supporting role in this part of the movie: Charlotte. Not a huge Charlotte fan in general, but the look on her face when she screams "NO!" in the street was priceless. Side note: if people still said, "You go, girl!" this would have been a prime time to say it. She also gets completely wrapped up in Carrie's getting hurt and imagines what she'd say to Big if she saw him on the street, which is something the girl who's hurt does always, but her friends do rarely.

Miranda also gets cheated on, which sucks, but she's such a coldhearted (and now frigid, apparently) bitch that everyone takes Steve's side instead of hers. There is a great scene that results from this, though: she's home on New Year's, eating Chinese food by herself, when Carrie comes over and says, "You're not alone." Tear!

Anyway, bottom line is that I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie. Yes, there are 3.5 million things to point out that were all wrong about it (the girls at Slate do an excellent job), but overall it passed my test for an enjoyable Friday night.


¡Yo Soy Liz! said...

Beep Beep back it up. People don't still say "You go girl!"? I am obvi behind the times...

Katie said...

ah, the scene where charlotte yells no, still gets me. THAT was sex and the city perfection.